Sunday, October 25, 2015


MUDDY MAX: THE MYSTERY OF MARSH CREEK is a graphic novel about Max. Max seems to be a fairly typical pre-teen. However, his parents are obsessive about mud: they won't let a drop of it touch him or enter their home. This is particularly difficult for Max because he lives near a marsh in a town that is famous for its mud. One day while trying to escape from the school bully, Max falls into the mud and he eventually discovers it gives him superpowers. Max and his best friend Patrick are determined to see what else Max can do when he comes in contact with the mud. They also begin to suspect that Max's parents are hiding something from him and that the secret has something to do with muddy Marsh Creek.

I enjoyed reading MUDDY MAX: THE MYSTERY OF MARSH CREEK. The book moves along at a nice pace with no slow moments. There are a few loose ends that make me believe that a sequel might be in the works. As for the illustrations, readers should be aware these are not colored-illustrations. They are done in more of sepia-tones: lots of browns with some black and white.

1 comment:

Nikki in Niagara said...

I really liked this too! But no sign of a sequel yet so I'm highly doubting it at this point :-(