Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tears of the Saints

When I was a senior in college, I wrestled with God. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last. Throughout my collegiate days I had been involved heavily in ministry groups. I went on three different mission trips, twice to Mexico and once to Chicago. I usually did at least one or two service projects a week. I collected food for the homeless and food pantries. I helped out at the city rescue mission. For three years, I spent several months preparing for a two hour program for inmates at the county jail.

Since I was about five years old I had wanted to act and be in movies. That had always been my dream. That was still my dream in college and still remains today. However, during my senior year in college I felt that I wanted to be a foreign missionary. I seemed suited for the work. I knew that the life wouldn't be easy, but because of my skills, talents, and personality I knew I would adapt to it and would adapt well. But, deep in my heart of hearts I knew God didn't want me to do that. I begged with him. I pleaded with him. I had an application to teach with an organization in China for two years that was filled out, but I hadn't sent in the mail. I don't know why, but the message I kept getting over and over was: "No. I want you here, Tom. Not there." It didn't make any sense to me and even now at times it still doesn't make sense. So, I never sent that application out and, as of yet, I've never become a full time foreign missionary. Instead, I've remained in the states and have ministered to the people around me in the best ways that I can.

I mention this because a little over a year ago someone sent me a link to the following video.

I cried when I watched it for the first time. It brought back a flood of memories and feelings from my own life. I had meant to post it right away, but then my dad died unexpectedly. I had never forgotten about the video and now seems as good a time as any. Hopefully, when you watch it, it will spur you into some action of your own. I know personally that not all of us are called to be foreign ambassadors for Christ. However, some of us are and we just need that extra little nudge.

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