Sunday, March 09, 2014


THE FUZZY BUNCH is a collection of "Get Fuzzy" comic strips that ran in newspapers from May 24, 2010 - April 23, 2011. Before opening the book I was already amused by the title and cover of the book which parodies THE BRADY BUNCH. "Get Fuzzy" usually includes a couple of longer running storylines and several week-long storylines. THE FUZZY BUNCH isn't any different in that regard to any other "Get Fuzzy" collection. However, THE FUZZY BUNCH has one of my favorite "Get Fuzzy" storylines of all time: Bucky's hypothesis that Muppets are genetically-engineered Cold War Communist creatures. This storyline goes on for over six weeks total and it's hilarious. Shortly after the end of that story, Bucky upsets Fungo the Ferret by covering the hallway walls with post-it notes filled with falsehoods about ferrets (or weasels in Bucky's language). In retaliation, Fungo steals Bucky's closet door and seals the entryway in. It's a very funny story. I haven't always enjoyed "Get Fuzzy." However, after I started reading it for a while I got hooked. I became disappointed with the strip when the focus between Bucky, Satchel, and Rob was lost. With THE FUZZY BUNCH and the previous collection in the series, THE BIRTH OF CANIS, it appears "Get Fuzzy" has gotten its groove back and I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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